Friday, November 2, 2018

Oceans... What Number Are We On?

1. F, 53, over 20 years in freelance photography: The Brains (domain expert)

F has been around the world of photography for longer than I have been born, and his knowledge of tech both old and new is quite impressive. We have conversed on occasions before this as he is related on my mother's side of the family and he was even so gracious as to gift me with an old DSLR of his that he was willing to part with since he was upgrading. We have gone over the necessity of the camera lens quality and durability, and how the current quality of camera phones having a place in being competitive choices as is. Through engaging with his endless curiosity of photography I gain the vital marks of an avid lover of cameras and what are important vectors of targeting in the build and capture quality. With this connection, getting the seal of approval on prototypes and even betas of the product would be great signals of being on the right track.

2. K, 18, extensive Amazon salesman: The Brawn (market expert)

This connection actually came tangentially with my work at a UPS Store right now. (Highly recommend a job in an active store for the wealth of box owners and their specific field knowledge). Being an Amazon reseller he knew the ins and outs of how the online sales process worked, and how certain market products move due to industry or demand changes. Being a worker at the store helping out with pickups of product that are held there, we would converse on the topic and he would give me the details of account setup and common practices for increasing reach and market prominence, slowly yet steadily. With his experience in online sales, his expertise and consulting over marketing and placement can help make or break marketplace presence and prestige.

3. The Supplier

Unfortunately, due to the demand at work at the UPS store I'm currently working at, the chance of establishing direct connections with product suppliers has proven the most tedious and unfruitful at the end. My foot in the market is still one that is unknown, but the accrued knowledge may be enough to create an opportunity with suppliers who may want to join early to get first mover advantage. Until then, I am still on the hunt for a supplier.

The time is - maybe not now? 

The act of targeted networking is one that feels paradoxical: when attempting to explicitly network the connections never feel strong enough to follow through on, yet when experiencing a connection over a topic that networking opportunity becomes much easier to establish and act on as there is a personal rather than professional rapport. Considering I have not done a full networking event for the sake of professional connections, there is no real source of comparison, but I can say that the personal connections I have made over the years prove there is worth in seeking other's help in a more meaningful, connective way.


  1. This assignment was a pretty tough task. Creating connections with three experts in different areas was a lot to ask for, and not finding an expert in supply is completely understandable. The first two connections you gained seem pretty solid and I'm sure it'll be nice having those in the future. Patience is key, and soon you'll have connections in many more areas that'll help take that idea to the next step.

  2. Your domain knowledge was very useful I think with your family friend as a freelance photographer I also think he had a great impact on you with gifting you the DSLR so maybe this was a factor in what you are trying to pitch. Also I appreciate your honesty regarding the supplier and never attending a networking event so it was hard for you to relate and make a connection.
